Lawyers' Database
丁家喜是一名中国维权律师和民运人士,自2010年以来一直活跃于维权工作。他与法律学者许志永等其他人权律师和民运人士一起参与 "新公民运动"。他于2013年4月17日被刑事拘留,后来以 "聚众扰乱公共秩序 "的罪名被判处3.5年监禁。 2016年10月16日获释后,他继续从事活动,并于2019年12月26日与其他人权律师和活动人士在厦门参加聚会后再次被捕。此后,他一直被拘留并被控以 "颠覆国家政权"罪。
2012年12月9日,他和法律学者许志永等联署公开信,要求包括习近平在内205名官员公开个人资产。 2013年4月17 日,丁家喜以「非法集会」罪名被刑事拘留,2013年5月21日改为「寻衅滋事罪」,北京市检察院一分院2013年11月4日把案件退回公安局补充侦查,控罪改为「聚众扰乱社会秩序罪」。 2014年4月18日,北京市海淀区法院判处丁家喜有期徒刑3年6个月。 2016年10月16日,丁家喜刑满出狱。
2019年12月26日,丁家喜与其他人权律师和活动人士在厦门参加完聚会后,被山东国安从北京的一个朋友家中带走。他被带到山东省,其个人物品,包括手机,都被警察没收。 2020年1月10日,在被当局拒绝会见丁家喜后,他的律师彭剑接到山东烟台市警察的电话,告诉他丁家喜因涉嫌 "煽动颠覆国家政权 "而被 "监视居住"。
2022年6月24日,中国人权律师丁家喜在山东省临沂市临沭县法院接受闭门审判,罪名是 "颠覆国家政权"。他的律师被迫签署了一份保密协议,不允许他们与任何人分享有关该案件的任何讯息,甚至包括丁的家人或亲属。
17th August 1967: Born in Yichang, Hubei Province.
1990-1996: After graduating from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Ding Jiaxi worked as an engineer.
1996: Transitioned to a career in law, and began working as a lawyer in Beijing
2010: Ding Jiaxi is a co-founder of the “New Citizens’ Movement”, an initiative pushing for political reforms, government and the rule of law in China.
2012: In collaboration with legal scholar Xu Zhiyong, he co-authored an open letter addressed to Xi Jinping and other top government officials in China, urging the disclosure of their personal assets. They collected endorsements from over 8,000 citizens. Ding Jiaxi coordinated citizens across various cities for activities demanding officials disclose their assets.
April 2013: Ding Jiaxi was detained by the authorities on the charge of "illegal assembly". After his detention, over 100 lawyers formed a support group for Ding Jiaxi. This charge later evolved to "picking quarrels and provoking trouble" and finally to "gathering a crowd to disrupt public order".
2014: Ding Jiaxi was sentence to 3.5 years in prison
October 2016: Ding Jiaxi was released in October 2016 after serving his term.
For more information, the detention of Ding Jiaxi was addressed in two communications (UA CHN 8/2013; and UA CHN 7/2014) by human rights experts in the UN.
December 2019: Ding Jiaxi was detained by Shandong police at a friend's house in Beijing. The police did not produce any legal documents during the arrest. After the detention, his whereabouts were undisclosed.
January 2020: Ding Jiaxi's wife, Luo Shengchun, hired defense lawyer Peng Jian to meet with the police and request a meeting with Ding Jiaxi. The police denied the request, stating that Ding Jiaxi was suspected of "endangering national security" and was under "residential surveillance at a designated location”.
January 2021: Lawyers were finally able to meet Ding Jiaxi in a remote video meeting.
It was revealed that Ding Jiaxi had suffered torture during the “residential surveillance at a designated location” in Yantai in Shandong Province, and had been deprived of sleep for an extended period. During a period of seven days and nights, he was interrogated in shifts by five officers. For half a month, he received only one-fourth of a steamed bun per meal. Additionally, for a week, his water intake was restricted to only 600 milliliters per day. Ding Jiaxi has already shared the details of his torture with the prosecutor, and the prosecutor has documented it, in over ten transcripts made after the torture. He also suffered abuse every day before the formal approval of arrest (i.e., the completion of the residential surveillance at a designated location period).
This arbitrary detention and torture inflicted on Ding Jiaxi were confirmed and were repetitively and widely criticized by the UN (UA CHN 6/2020; AL CHN 20/2020; AL CHN 4/2021; AL CHN 2/2022; and AL CHN 5/2023).
April 2023: After multiple delays, Ding Jiaxi was sentenced to 12 years in prison for "subversion of state power" and deprived of his political rights for three years.
2020年6月23日,丁家喜的姐姐收到他的正式逮捕通知,称丁家喜因涉嫌 "煽动颠覆国家政权罪 "于2020年6月19日被正式逮捕。他被转移到偏远的山东省临沭县拘留所。在一年多的时间里,他多次被拒绝与他的律师接触。
2022年6月24日,中国人权律师丁家喜在山东省临沂市临沭县法院接受闭门审判,罪名是 "颠覆国家政权"。他的律师被迫签署了一份保密协议,不允许他们与任何人分享有关该案件的任何信息,甚至包括丁的家人和亲属。