
Lawyer Chi Susheng Detained and Hospitalised After Mobile Phone Goes Missing in Xuanwei Court

Lawyer Chi Susheng Detained and Hospitalised After Mobile Phone Goes Missing in Xuanwei Court

Lawyer Chi Susheng was involved in a troubling incident at Xuanwei Court, Yunnan Province, on November 6, 2023. During the afternoon break, when retrieving her mobile phone from the designated cabinet in the court, Lawyer Chi Susheng discovered that her phone was missing. Upon inquiring about the disappearance of her mobile phone, bailiffs and special police officers forcibly detained her within the court premises, closing the courtroom door. Afterwards, multiple bailiffs forcefully took Lawyer Chi Susheng to another room, preventing other lawyers from visiting her.
Unfortunately, during this ordeal, Lawyer Chi Susheng suffered a heart attack as the bailiffs and public security officers took her away. She was immediately sent to the emergency room of Xuanwei First People's Hospital in an ambulance.
The situation is gravely concerning, with Lawyer Chi Susheng's health a the top priority. The diagnosis of myocardial ischemia and the doctors' concerns about the risk of sudden death highlight the urgent need for proper medical attention and care.

“It is deeply concerning that her mobile phone was seized without any valid justification, further exacerbating the distress caused. The fact that lawyer Chi Susheng remains out of contact with her family adds to the already distressing circumstances. It is crucial that her safety and freedom are safeguarded, and steps are taken to ensure that her rights to carry out professional duties are not violated due to the interference of improper practices from the court,” Chakra Ip, the executive director of The 29 Principles, added.