
Xu Zhiyong 許志永


Xu Zhiyong
Xu Zhiyong
Civil Rights

許志永是公盟創始人之一,新公民運動主要創始人。2002年取得法學博士學位後,擔任北京郵電大學法學院講師。200311月當選北京海淀區人大代表,2006年連任。 2005年下半年,為耶魯大學中國法研究中心訪問學者。2009年起許志永被剝奪授課資格。許志永於2003年參與「三博士上書事件」,主張廢止收容遣送制度,從此成為中國境內公民運動及法律維權要角至今。



1990: Xu Zhinyong started his legal studies at Lanzhou University, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Law

1995: He returned to Lanzhou University for a Master’s degree in law. He never received the degree, possibily owning to the these he submitted containing critical views.

1999-2002: Despite not receiving his Masters, Xu completed a Doctorate in Law at Peking University Law School. During his time there, he was an active advocate for educational equality for people with different household registration (“hukou”).

2002: Xu Zhinyong started his teaching career at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Later this year, he was elected as a People's Representative for Beijing's Haidian District, a position to which he was re-elected in 2006.

2003: Xu Zhiyong gained public attention after protesting against the death of Sun Zhigang in Guangzhou. He co-founded the public interest organisation "Sunshine Constitutionalism" in 2003 with legal scholars like Teng Biao and others. In 2004, he and other legal scholars drafted recommendations for amending China's constitutional human rights protections.

2005-2007: "Sunshine Constitutionalism" faced registration issues in Beijing and was renamed "Beijing Gong Meng Consultancy Limited Company" (also more simply known as "Gong Meng") in 2005. In order to prepare a report on petitioning in China, Xu lived in the "Petition Village" in Beijing for two months and visited centres detaining people who had attempted to petition, during which he was beaten and assaulted by unknown individuals. In 2006, Xu led the study on the educational rights of the children of new urban migrants. In 2007, Xu led the study on the domestication of the ICCPR. During 2005, Xu was also a visiting scholar at Yale University's China Law Research Centre.

2008-2009: In 2008, Xu and Gong Meng supported human rights lawyers in Beijing and pushed for democratic elections within the Beijing Lawyers Association but failed, as the Beijing Lawyers Association amended its organisational procedures. In July 2009, Gong Meng was disbanded by the Chinese government, and Xu was detained on charges of tax evasion. The formal arrest of Xu was later approved in August 2009, but Xu was subsequently released on bail. In the same year, Xu's teaching credentials were stripped.

2010-2012: Gong Meng was renamed "Gong Min" (meaning Citizen) in 2010 and continued to engage in advocacy on public welfare and civil rights. In 2011, Xu participated in grassroots elections for People's Representatives in Beijing's Haidian District but faced obstructions from the authorities. After Xi Jinping's election as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in November 2012, Xu published an open letter titled "A Citizen's Thought on the Fate of the Country" to Xi. Xu was detained by Beijing national security personnel in the same month, November 2012.

2013: In April 2013, at the invitation of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Teng Biao, Xu attempted to go to Hong Kong to participate in a seminar about the 10th anniversary of the Sun Zhigang case. He was detained by officials at the border and was under home arrest thereafter. In July 2013, he was criminally detained for "gathering a crowd to disturb public order." He was formally arrested in August 2013, triggering widespread protest.

2014-2017: Xu was sentenced to four years in prison for "disrupting public order" in 2014. He served his sentence in Tianjin's Liulin Prison and was released in 2017.

2019-2020: In 2019, Xu published an online initiative asking members of the public to participate in the 2021 district and county People's Representatives elections as a practice for democratic election and also to promote democracy by allowing members of the public to govern themselves. In January 2020, Xu published an open letter to Xi Jinping, asking him to step down. He was arrested in Guangzhou City in February 2020. Xu was formally arrested in June 2020 and was charged with inciting subversion of state power.

Date of Start of Detention
酷刑 / 不人道或受侮辱的待遇
2020年8月9日,李翹楚在推特刊出羈押許志永的山東臨沂公安局回覆文件,指她申請公開的8項信息,包括許志永的身體狀況,以及看守所電腦系統沒有許志永資料的原因等,均不屬於政府信息而被拒絕。李翹楚表示,法定2個月的案件偵查期將於8月19日屆滿,擔心許志永健康狀況,以及當局會否繼續「秘密羈押」。 李翹楚在2021年2月6日再度被當局帶走,之後再被控以「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」。
相關案件 / 資料
許志永被捕相信跟他參與2019年12月13日在福建廈門舉行的聚會有關,當時與會者討論時政和中國未來,分享推動公民社會建設的經驗。然而,2019年12月26日,多名參與聚會者突然被警方跨省抓捕,包括許志永在內多名公民、律師因而逃亡。這次拘捕行動被稱為「1226 大抓捕」。多名參與聚會人士先後被以「涉嫌煽動顛覆國家政權罪」拘留、監視居住及取保候審。

在逃亡兩個月期間,許志永發出致習近平《勸退書》,抨擊習需要為新冠疫症和香港的和平示威負責。 及後,許志永在2月15日於朋友楊斌律師的廣州家中被公安帶走,自始與外界失去聯絡。楊斌和丈夫及兒子也一度被扣查,楊斌個人手機、電腦等也被沒收。
